PENAL JUSTICE: CONNECTION OF TIMES. Hold the International Scientific Conference


International Union of Assistance of Justice 
The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
October 5-10, 2010
Hold the International Scientific Conference
Law school, 220 office, 20 corpus, 48 Moika Embankment, St. Petersburg, 191186 Russia

On October 6-8, 2010, International Association of Justice Assistance (IUAJ) together with the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia with the participation of the United States Department of Justice Mission in the Russian Federation at the U.S. Embassy will hold the international con-ference: “PENAL JUSTICE: CONNECTION OF TIMES”. The conference will take place in St. Petersburg, Russia
Its main purpose is to discuss the issue of social determinism in the historical development of the forms and methods of criminal justice and criminal law, the issue of acceptability and the volume of discretion of power used by the lawmakers in this sphere, the role of the well-known principle raison d’État on the one hand, and the basic legal elements, uni-versally recognized and inalienable human rights and freedoms on the other hand.
Famous scholars from Russia, including the specialists from the Constitu-tional Court of the Russian Federation, the CIS, USA, Canada, France, Germany, Italy and other countries are expected to participate in the con-ference. The conference will be held at Herzen State Pedagogical Univer-sity of Russia (St.-Petersburg, the Moika River Embankment, 48, Assembly hall). Besides plenary session, the work of such sessions as criminal justice, criminal law and criminology, operational search activities is scheduled. Theculturalprogram is also provided.

Tentative list of topics for discussion at the conference:

• Problems of modernization of the adversarial preliminary investigation. What is more acceptable: judicial review, a single committee of inquiry, the investigating judge?
• Reforming preliminary investigation: the written form of investigation or "system of two folders?
• A jury trial: the relic of the time or the future of the criminal process?
• The appeal, cassation, supervising: Which stage is unnecessary?
• Restorative justice: the problem of preserving the traditional procedural safeguards.
• Constitutional and legal guarantees of justice: the natural right or law given by the state.
• Supranational criminal process and its impact on the development of do-mestic legislation.
• Operation of the criminal and criminal procedural law in time.

You are invited to take part in the conference. We kindly ask you to confirm your participation (till July 1st, 2010) by sending an e-mail to the fol-lowing address: In case you decide to participate we will expect you to send the text of your presentation (article) to the abovementioned address till September 1, 2010. It should be a 20-minute presentation.

On behalf of the Organizing
Committee Prof. Aleksandr Smirnov